Playstation 4 Pro and support for vr - TUGR dz

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jeudi 14 mars 2019

Playstation 4 Pro and support for vr

Playstation 4 Pro and support for vr
As the Sony PlayStation 4 Pro comes closer, Mark Cerny, the PlayStation Manager, has announced more information about the device, including its features, improved hardware points, support for the PlayStation VR, and many of the information we summarize to you:

- The PlayStation 4 Pro has the capabilities to offer a better experience with the PlayStation VR, especially in the area of ?? smooth graphics, but Sony will leave developers free to take advantage of these capabilities.

- PlayStation 4 Pro supports multiple beats, giving you the ability to play virtual reality games more smoothly.

- The PlayStation 4 Pro card works with 4.2 teraflops, which means that it is stronger than the normal PlayStation 4 processor at 2.28 times.

- Sony has doubled processor capacity and in this way, 700 titles released for the PlayStation 4 on PlayStation 4 Pro can be easily supported.

- Most mainstream PlayStation 4 games will run smoothly on the PlayStation 4 Pro, but developers can offer an update for these games to operate at greater resolution or at higher frame speeds and more stable on PlayStation 4 Pro.

- Sony is demanding developers to be their games that will be launched after the launch of PlayStation 4 Pro works on 4K and 1080p screens.

- PlayStation 4 Pro will be supported by Sony for developers but there will often be a pattern to support 4K high resolution and a style to support lower resolution but higher frame speeds.

- Sirny estimated that support for the PlayStation 4 Pro games would not take more than 0.2% or 0.3% of the development time and effort.

- Sirny said that Sony is demanding developers not to divide the community of players Playstation through the introduction of games dedicated only to the PlayStation 4 Pro.

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